Vocal Awakening

A journey through the energy centres to Awaken your voice for healing and expansion

Introduction: Intention & Permission

Welcome beautiful soul ❀️

It is such an honour to share this work with you. Thank you for joining me on this adventure!

This course is not intended to teach you β€œhow to sing”. In fact, I’d prefer we ditch the term β€œcourse” and consider this a β€œsacred journey” to connect you with your divine wind instrument, your voice.

This journey is designed for sound healers, shamanic practitioners and aspiring sacred space holders who wish to connect with sounds beyond this realm and beyond the conceptual mind. Here we let go of how we β€œthink” we should sound and allow ourselves to receive and transmit through our sensory beings. Learn how to fully open your song channel so you can create healing sounds with ease and joy, whilst strengthening your relationship with your voice.

To support us in our fullest expression, we’ll be working with the energy centres in the body and the associated sound frequencies to open our song channel and blast away any blocks that hold us back from connecting with our voices.

Let’s take a brief moment to reflect on the history of singing…

We have been singing long before language was invented. No matter how isolated or remote, there is no human culture on the planet that doesn’t sing. Not only is this sacred practice ancient and universal, but it has served as a critical function for human social connection, physical wellbeing, and a wide range of spiritual purposes (prayer, invoking spirits or gods, celebrating rites of passage, story telling, etc.).

Aside from various religious practices, the sacred nature of singing has become less of a spiritual endeavour, and more geared towards entertainment and commercialisation. My aim is to bring back the sacredness of singing and empower people to reconnect with their innate self healing abilities.

My intention, which is very alive in the work that I do as a Medicine Woman, is to raise the vibration of humanity.

Are you ready to raise your vibration and the vibration of humanity? Let’s DO IT!!

This an invitation for you to remember the ancient wisdom that resides deep in your soul. This isn’t about β€œsounding good” or hitting the β€œright notes”. This is about connecting to and building a relationship with the most healing instrument on the planet - your voice.

As we invite more space to play, we create more opportunities for source to channel sounds through us. And when allow ourselves to move beyond the β€œtime” / β€œspace” paradigm, we can connect with our ancestors, spirit guides and other beings of light that wish to channel healing frequencies through us.

Let us begin by giving ourselves FULL permission as we embark on this sacred journey!

Grab that notebook and pen! Write this down…

I lovingly give myself permission to share my soul through my voice LOUD and PROUD. I fearlessly allow myself to explore my divine wind instrument pursuit of activating my voice - without judgement or self criticism

I invite my ancestors, spirit guides and any other beings of the light to join me on this pilgrimage to the heart - to meet and develop my voice for my highest good and the highest good of humanity.


Place this piece of paper on your altar or anywhere near your sacred space for this journey. Option to fold it up and tuck it somewhere in your medicine drum (if you have one).

Continue onto our first module for our Root Chakra Voice Activation.

Let the liberation journey commence!

MULADHARA: Connecting with Your Roots

The Muladhara (or root chakra) is located at the base of your spine and is associated with safety, stability, security, home and belonging. It is associated with the earth element and the colour red.

When blocked, we can feel anxious, ungrounded or fearful. Pairing awareness and intention into this centre, we can use our voices to consciously send energy to this space to clear away any stagnant energy that is blocking us from feeling safe, grounded and supported in our lives and our ability to express our truth.

Let’s drop in and connect with this centre...

Close down your eyes and bring your full awareness to this space. Call to mind a moment (or moments) you didn’t feel it was safe to express your truth or share your voice aloud. What feelings are present in this space? What images come to mind?

Take a few moments and write down everything that came to mind.

Now jot down today’s mantra: "I am fully supported by the universe and give myself permission to share my voice with the world"

Every energy centre has a corresponding frequency, or note. In the case of the Muladhara, the corresponding frequency is the note of β€œC”.

Keeping the vibration of the above mantra in your heart, I invite you to sing along with the crystal bowl as I play. Focus on the area at the base of your spin and visualise an orb of red light pulsating and expanding with this light.

Remember - this is not about β€œsounding good” or hitting the β€œright note”. This is an opportunity for you to consciously send healing vibrations to this energy centre, blasting away any blocks around safe and grounded expression.

Allow yourself space to rest in these vibrations and use whatever final β€œwhooshing” sound you would like to visualise the release and clearing of any dark energy in this centre - sending it down into the earth, through your metaphoric roots, to be served as compost for the earth.

For the next week, prioritise time in nature (preferably barefoot) and continue to tune into the vibration of the above mantra as you practice opening this centre with your voice.

Journal prompts / things to contemplate:

  • In what ways can I fully support myself in sharing my voice?

  • Imagine you are on top of a mountain, singing your wishes and dreams out to the universe. Feel the support of the mountain beneath your feet. Feel the support of the earth below you. Rest in this space and revisit this place often.

Svadhisthana: Reclaiming Your Divine creative force

The Svadhisthana (or sacral chakra) is located below the naval and is associated with passion, creativity, intuition, pleasure, and desire. It is associated with the element of water and the colour orange.

When blocked, we can feel disconnected from our creative expression, lacking joy, and an overall sense of numbness in our lives. Pairing awareness and intention into this centre, we can use our voices to consciously send energy to this space to clear away any stagnant energy that is blocking us from feeling creative, passionate, inspired and excited to manifest our dream life.

Let’s drop in and connect with this centre...

Close down your eyes and bring your full awareness to this space. Call to mind a moment (or moments) you felt blocked or stuck in your creative expression. What feelings are present in this space? What images come to mind?

Take a few moments and write down everything that came to mind.

Now jot down this mantra: I am a creative being, connected to the infinite source of inspiration. I am worthy of pleasure and joy in all areas of my life.

Every energy centre has a corresponding frequency, or note. In the case of the Svadhisthana, the corresponding frequency is the note of β€œD”.

Keeping the vibration of the above mantra in your heart, I invite you to sing along with the crystal bowl as I play. Focus on the area below the naval and visualise an orb of orange light pulsating and expanding with this light.

Remember - this is not about β€œsounding good” or hitting the β€œright note”. This is an opportunity for you to consciously send healing vibrations to this energy centre, blasting away any blocks around creative expression, desire and passion.

Allow yourself space to rest in these vibrations and use whatever final β€œwhooshing” sound you would like to visualise the release and clearing of any dark energy in this centre - sending it down into the earth, through your metaphoric roots, to be served as compost for the earth.

For the next week, give yourself permission to be creative, without getting hung up on the results. Courageously explore new facets of your voice as you tune into the vibration of the above mantra, allowing the vibrations of your voice to further open this energy centre.

Journal prompts / things to contemplate:

  • Where can I invite more play into my life?

  • What does my heart desire?

  • What would life look like if all my desires were a reality? What choices would I make? How would I act? How would I feel? Rest in this space and revisit this place often.

Manipura: Igniting Your inner Fire πŸ”₯

The Manipura (or solar plexus chakra) is located at the naval centre and associated with action, boundaries, self confidence, will power and is our centre of vitality. It is associated with the element of fire and the colour yellow.

When blocked, we can feel self-doubt, jealousy, lethargy and an inability to take action. Pairing awareness and intention into this centre, we can use our voices to consciously send energy to this space to clear away any stagnant energy that is blocking us from taking action, feeling confident, and setting boundaries.

Let’s drop in and connect with this centre...

Close down your eyes and bring your full awareness to this space. Call to mind a moment (or moments) you felt blocked or stuck in your ability to take action in your life. What feelings are present in this space? What images come to mind?

Take a few moments and write down everything that came to mind.

Now jot down this mantra: I am a powerful and confident being. I use my voice courageously to set my spirit free.

Every energy centre has a corresponding frequency, or note. In the case of the Manipura, the corresponding frequency is the note of β€œE”.

Keeping the vibration of the above mantra in your heart, I invite you to sing along with the crystal bowl as I play. Focus on the area at your naval and visualise an orb of yellow light pulsating and expanding with this light.

Remember - this is not about β€œsounding good” or hitting the β€œright note”. This is an opportunity for you to consciously send healing vibrations to this energy centre, blasting away any blocks around self confidence, setting boundaries, and taking action.

Allow yourself space to rest in these vibrations and use whatever final β€œwhooshing” sound you would like to visualise the release and clearing of any dark energy in this centre - sending it down into the earth, through your metaphoric roots, to be served as compost for the earth.

For the next week, pay close attention to your ability to set boundaries. Notice any tendency to say β€œyes” when you really mean β€œno”. Notice if you’re dwelling on taking action, and call upon the above mantra for support.

Fearlessly explore the power of your voice as you tune into the vibration of the above mantra, allowing the vibrations of your voice to further open this energy centre.

Journal prompts / things to contemplate:

  • Where in my life am I holding back from taking action? What is the action?

  • Imagine a life where you are overflowing with self confidence and courage - what would this look like? How would you act? What choices would you make? Rest in this space and revisit this place often.

Anahata: Coming home to Your heart

The Anahata (or heart chakra) is located at the centre of your chest and serves as our centre for unconditional love for ourself and others, empathy, forgiveness, compassion and joy. It is associated with the element of air and the colour green.

When out blocked, we can feel depressed, sad, lonely, unable to empathise and/or a strong desire to people please for the acceptance of others. Pairing awareness and intention into this centre, we can use our voices to consciously send energy to this space to clear away any stagnant energy that is blocking us from feeling joy, connection, self acceptance and love.

Let’s drop in and connect with this centre...

Close down your eyes and bring your full awareness to this space. Call to mind a moment (or moments) you felt blocked or stuck in your ability to love and accept yourself. What feelings are present in this space? What images come to mind?

Take a few moments and write down everything that came to mind.

Now jot down this mantra: I am worthy of love. I allow myself to receive and give love, unconditionally. I love my voice.

Every energy centre has a corresponding frequency, or note. In the case of the Anahata, the corresponding frequency is the note of β€œF”.

Keeping the vibration of the above mantra in your heart, I invite you to sing along with the crystal bowl as I play. Focus on your heart centre and visualise an orb of green light pulsating and expanding with this light.

Remember - this is not about β€œsounding good” or hitting the β€œright note”. This is an opportunity for you to consciously send healing vibrations to this energy centre, blasting away any blocks around self love, forgiveness, compassion and joy.

Allow yourself space to rest in these vibrations and use whatever final β€œwhooshing” sound you would like to visualise the release and clearing of any dark energy or sadness in this centre - sending it down into the earth, through your metaphoric roots, to be served as compost for the earth.

For the next week, pay close attention to your self talk. Is there an opportunity to bring more love to your inner dialogue? Notice if you’re holding any grudges or resentment towards yourself or others, and with loving awareness, see if you can allow these to rise to the surface and release.

Lovingly feel the power of your voice reverberating from the centre of your heart. As you tune into the vibration of the above mantra, allow the vibrations of your voice to further open your heart centre.

Journal prompts / things to contemplate:

  • Where can I invite more compassion in my life? Towards self? Towards others?

  • Imagine a life where you are filled with boundless love, towards yourself, others and everything in your life. What would that look like? How would I act? What choices would I make? Rest in this space and revisit this place often.

Vishuddha: speaking Your truth

The Vishuddha (or throat chakra) is located at the centre of your throat and is associated with communication, self-expression, and the ability to speak your personal truth. It is considered the bridge between heart and mind. It is our the gateway between our inner and outer worlds. Vishuddha chakra is associated with the element of ether (space) and the colour blue.

When out blocked, we can feel anxious around speaking up, fearful speaking our truth and an inability to articulate our needs or desires with others. Pairing awareness and intention into this centre, we can use our voices to consciously send energy to this space to clear away any stagnant energy that is blocking us from speaking our truth, articulating ideas, and communicating boundaries.

Let’s drop in and connect with this centre...

Close down your eyes and bring your full awareness to this space. Call to mind a moment (or moments) you felt blocked or stuck in your ability to speak your truth. Notice any feelings of self-doubt or fear that may be inhibiting your self-expression. What feelings are present in this space? What images come to mind?

Take a few moments and write down everything that came to mind.

Now jot down this mantra: I fearlessly speak my truth with confidence and clarity. My voice is strong, and my words have power.

Every energy centre has a corresponding frequency, or note. In the case of the Vishuddha, the corresponding frequency is the note of β€œG”.

Keeping the vibration of the above mantra in your heart, I invite you to sing along with the crystal bowl as I play. Focus on your throat centre and visualise an orb of blue light pulsating and expanding with this light.

Remember - this is not about β€œsounding good” or hitting the β€œright note”. This is an opportunity for you to consciously send healing vibrations to this energy centre, blasting away any blocks around speaking your truth, articulating ideas, and communicating boundaries.

Allow yourself space to rest in these vibrations and use whatever final β€œwhooshing” sound you would like to visualise the release and clearing of any dark energy or sadness in this centre - sending it down into the earth, through your metaphoric roots, to be served as compost for the earth.

For the next week, pay close attention to your verbal interactions with others. Are you holding back your truth? Encountering fear around expressing an idea? Biting your tongue, afraid of what others might think? With patience and loving awareness, observe what comes up and practice using your voice to articulate your truth, ideas and boundaries with others.

Feel the energy of your truth reverberating from the centre of your throat. As you tune into the vibration of the above mantra, allow the vibrations of your voice to further open your throat centre.

Journal prompts / things to contemplate:

  • What is my truth and who needs to hear it?

  • Where am I not speaking up enough in my relationships?

  • Imagine you are standing on a stage in front of thousands of people. You are holding a microphone, speaking your truth, telling your story and/or singing your heart’s song. Everyone is gazing back with loving eyes, in complete awe in receipt of your medicine. How does this feel? Rest in this space and revisit this place often.

Ajna: Tapping into your Intuitive Guidance

The Ajna (or third eye chakra) is located at the centre of your forehead and is considered our sixth sense - our doorway to all things psychic. It is associated with intuition, clarity, inner wisdom, concentration, imagination, the element of light and the colour indigo.

When out blocked, we many feel confusion, uncertainty, a lack of purpose and disconnected from our spiritual self. Pairing awareness and intention into this centre, we can use our voices to consciously send energy to this space to clear away any stagnant energy that is preventing us from seeing clearly, feeling a sense of purpose and connection with our intuition.

Let’s drop in and connect with this centre...

Close down your eyes and bring your full awareness to this space. Call to mind a moment (or moments) you felt lost. What feelings are present in this space? What images come to mind?

Take a few moments and write down everything that came to mind.

Now jot down this mantra: I trust my intuition and inner wisdom to guide me. I am able to see and act in alignment with my divine purpose.

Every energy centre has a corresponding frequency, or note. In the case of the Ajna, the corresponding frequency is the note of β€œA”.

Keeping the vibration of the above mantra in your heart, I invite you to sing along with the crystal bowl as I play. Focus on your third eye centre and visualise an orb of indigo light pulsating and expanding with this light.

Remember - this is not about β€œsounding good” or hitting the β€œright note”. This is an opportunity for you to consciously send healing vibrations to this energy centre, blasting away any blocks that have disconnected you from your higher self and intuition.

Allow yourself space to rest in these vibrations and use whatever final β€œwhooshing” sound you would like to visualise the release and clearing of any dark energy or sadness in this centre - sending it down into the earth, through your metaphoric roots, to be served as compost for the earth.

For the next week, pay close attention to your dreams and intuitive messages. Are you letting logic and reason dominate the innate inner knowing that resides in this space? Are you doubting yourself? With trust and loving awareness, observe what comes up and practice using your voice to connect with your intuition and inner wisdom.

Feel the connection to your intuition - the light of your all seeing eye. As you tune into the vibration of the above mantra, allow the vibrations of your voice to further strengthen your connection to your intuition.

Sahasrara: Opening Your Channel

The Sahasrara (or crown chakra) is located above your head is considered our connection to our supreme Self and the Divine. This space is associated with oneness, universal connection, enlightenment, awareness and spiritual connection. It is associated with the element of thought and the colour white (contains all colours).

When out blocked, we can feel a lack of focus, a disconnection from our spiritual self, headaches, and confusion. Pairing awareness and intention into this centre, we can use our voices to consciously send energy to this space to clear away any stagnant energy that is hindering our ability to connect with our supreme Self.

Let’s drop in and connect with this centre...

Close down your eyes and bring your full awareness to this space. Call to mind a moment (or moments) you alone. What feelings are present in this space? What images come to mind?

Take a few moments and write down everything that came to mind.

Now jot down this mantra: I am an infinite being with unlimited potential. My song channel is open to the wisdom of the Universe.

Every energy centre has a corresponding frequency, or note. In the case of the Sahasrara, the corresponding frequency is the note of β€œB”.

Keeping the vibration of the above mantra in your heart, I invite you to sing along with the crystal bowl as I play. Focus on your crown chakra and visualise an orb of white light pulsating and expanding with this light. Visualise a beam of light coming from the sky emanating down your spine through to the centre of the earth. Feel your channel wide open to receive the wisdom of the Universe.

Remember - this is not about β€œsounding good” or hitting the β€œright note”. This is an opportunity for you to consciously send healing vibrations to this energy centre, blasting away any blocks that have disconnected you from your higher self and intuition.

Allow yourself space to rest in these vibrations and use whatever final β€œwhooshing” sound you would like to visualise the release and clearing of any dark energy or sadness in this centre - sending it down into the earth, through your metaphoric roots, to be served as compost for the earth.

For the next week and beyond, regularly visualise your channel open and receiving light from an infinite source above. Remain open to whatever insights, downloads and messages want to come through you. Pay attention to your dreams and use your voice to express whatever wants to come out - let go of the desire for it to make sense or sound β€œgood”. The more you practice opening your channel, the easier it will be to connect with the Universal wisdom and express it using your divine wind instrument.

Journal prompts / things to contemplate:

  • What does my highest, most authentic self look like? Describe who this person is, including both their outward appearance and their inner world. How do I carry myself throughout the day? How do I treat others and myself? Write about this day in detail.

  • Write your own affirmations (or song!) to carry the vibration of your learnings from this experience.

From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU for joining me on this sacred journey. πŸ™

Sending you so much love and light as you continue to tap into the wisdom that channels through you and out into the world.

If you feel called to leave a review, I would be so grateful πŸ™ you can do so here:

Much love πŸ’•


P.S. If you would like to practice everything we’ve just worked on, you can download the full 7 chakra voice activation journey for free using promo β€œACTIVATED” here:
